What is it?
Continuous rehabilitation and access to exercise programs after discharge from acute or subacute hospital rehabilitation are crucial for prolonged function and health after a neurological condition. However, many people are ineligible for further rehabilitation or are discharged to outpatient rehabilitation with little options. Community-based programs allow patients to continue to achieve functional and health benefits from exercise and are easier to access than hospital-based outpatient programs. As patients quickly loose therapeutic support, this is a potential avenue to continue to work towards achieving their goals.
What is involved?
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to join a focus group discussion. Each group discussion will consist of 5 to 8 clinicians. The focus group discussion will be held via Zoom and will be video recorded. The focus group discussion may take up to 1.5 hours.
Who can participate?
You have been invited to participate in this study because you are a clinician working with people with neurological conditions at a community-based rehabilitation or exercise centre. Your contact details were obtained from your clinic manager/leader.
For more information and to register your interest in this research study, contact:
Dr Camila Quel De Oliveria | Email: camila.queldeoliveira@uts.edu.au
Mr Esminio Rivera | Email: Esminioii.Rivera@alumni.uts.edu.au | Phone: 0407 584 635