
“When one experiences a Stroke, the peculiarities and specificities of the resultant symptoms are unique. It’s easy to believe that the only person in the world who could possibly understand the recovery struggle is oneself. However, after attending the Inner West Stroke Recovery Club, I’ve learnt I’m unique just like every other stroke recoverer. I enjoy the comradeship of the Club and the online Choir – I attend them to know that I’m not alone.”
– Robin (Stroke survivor and member of the Sydney Inner West Stroke Recovery Club)

“In 2002, I joined the Stroke Recovery Association’s newly formed Central Coast Stroke group WAGS (Working Age Group-Stroke). At 41 I was a young Stroke survivor who was struggling with the impact of having a Stroke, joining WAGS connected me with people who knew exactly what I was going through. In 2004, I became a Stroke survivor consumer with NSW State Stroke Network, I saw first hand what a powerful advocacy voice that the Stroke Recovery Association provided to NSW Health and Stroke Clinicians on behalf of stroke survivors and their families. Thank you to the SRA and Board for all that you do!”
– Brenda (Stroke survivor and member of the Working Age Group – Stroke on the Central Coast)

“Tamworth Stroke group is great for social support, the Stroke Recovery Association’s online groups have been very beneficial for Alan with choir, aphasia activity groups, and the working age group, we have learnt so much about aphasia which we did not know . The online Move with Metro Challenge was such a great event. We are now part of a Stroke Recovery Association online family. I have also enjoyed the carers group and guest speakers online.“
– Judy (Carer for her husband Alan and member of the Tamworth Stroke Recovery Club)

“Being a part of the Association has allowed me to meet people who have had a Stroke and who understand the challenges that living with the impacts of Stroke, including aphasia, has. I have also been able to provide advice via connections created through the Association to people who have recently had a Stroke or their carer. The Association has a range of information available to support you and has a number of annual events that connect members. Since the COVID-19 pandemic started I’ve been able to connect with Association members around the state online, developing a number of friendships.”
– Amy (Stroke survivor and member at Port Macquarie Stroke Recovery Club

“Besides the year I had my Stroke, 2020 is another year I’m glad is behind me. Thankfully the Stroke Recovery Association kept me ‘company’ during some of those weeks of isolation by providing so much terrific support via online meetings, games & trivia (though there was so many more activities) it helped me stay connected & less lonely as I only have a dog living with me.”
– Christine (Stroke survivor and member of the Working Age Group – Stroke on the Central Coast)

“The Online Groups are a revelation. I facilitate twice a month a Sip and Nibbles online Group for Working Age Stroke Survivors, and although there is far more Sipping than Nibbling, at its Core is Young(ish) Stroke Survivors sharing their amazing journeys all with a Smile and gentle laugh. Further proof that meaningful Connections can be made in this way. It has evolved into a close knit Stroke Support Group for Survivors from around the State.”
– David (Stroke survivor and member of the Working Age Group – Stroke on the Central Coast)

“We have been part of the Stroke Recovery Association family for over 10 years and have found the benefits of belonging to such a wonderful organisation invaluable. From the very beginning we were welcomed, included, valued and supported. We have created connections with some amazing and inspiring people who have become lifelong friends . The SRA has made so much difference to our journey of Stroke survival”
– Karen (Carer and wife to her husband Paul and member of the Sydney Inner West Stroke Recovery Club)